The Tradition of Sharing

Help your friends and juniors by posting answers to the questions that you know. Also post questions that are not available.

To start with, Sr2Jr’s first step is to reduce the expenses related to education. To achieve this goal Sr2Jr organized the textbook’s question and answers. Sr2Jr is community based and need your support to fill the question and answers. The question and answers posted will be available free of cost to all.


Ron Larson, Bruce H.edwards
Review Excercises
Question:14 | ISBN:9780547167022 | Edition: 9


Velocity and Acceleration The speed of a car traveling in a straight line is reduced from 45 to 30 miles per hour in a distance of 264 feet. Find the distance in which the car can be brought to rest from 30 miles per hour, assuming the same constant deceleration.


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