The Tradition of Sharing

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Linda Null ,julia Lobur
System Software
Review Of Essential Terms And Concepts
Question:4 | ISBN:9780763704445 | Edition: 3


4. Describe how multiprogramming systems differ from timesharing systems.



Multiprogramming systems and timesharing systems are both techniques used in operating systems to achieve efficient utilization of computer resources. However, they differ in their primary objectives and the level of interactivity they provide to users. Here's a comparison between the two:

1. Objective:

  • Multiprogramming systems aim to maximize CPU utilization by allowing multiple programs to reside in memory simultaneously. The focus is on throughput and efficient utilization of resources.
  • Timesharing systems, on the other hand, aim to provide interactive access to the computer system for multiple users. The focus is on providing each user with a fair share of the system's resources and quick response times.

2. Resource Allocation:

  • In multiprogramming systems, the CPU is shared among multiple processes or programs. The operating system allocates CPU time to each program based on priority and scheduling algorithms.
  • Timesharing systems allocate CPU time in small, time-sliced intervals to different users, providing the illusion of concurrent execution. Each user is given a time slice to execute their commands, ensuring fair access to the CPU.

3. Interactivity:

  • Multiprogramming systems prioritize throughput and are primarily designed for batch processing. User interaction is limited, and programs typically run to completion without frequent user intervention.
  • Timesharing systems prioritize user interactivity, allowing multiple users to simultaneously interact with the system. Users can execute commands, run programs, and access shared resources concurrently.


4. Response Time:

  • Multiprogramming systems may have longer response times as they prioritize maximizing CPU utilization and throughput. Users may experience delays in getting their programs executed due to the queue of programs waiting for CPU time.
  • Timesharing systems aim for quick response times to provide an interactive experience. Users get immediate feedback for their commands, and the system ensures that each user gets a fair share of CPU time.

5. Scheduling:

  • In multiprogramming systems, the operating system uses scheduling algorithms to determine the order in which programs are executed and allocate CPU time accordingly.
  • Timesharing systems use time-sharing or round-robin scheduling algorithms to allocate CPU time to different users, ensuring fairness and responsiveness.

In summary, multiprogramming systems focus on maximizing CPU utilization and throughput, while timesharing systems prioritize user interactivity and provide quick response times for multiple users.

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