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James F. Kurose, Keith W. Ross
Transport Layer
Question:8 | ISBN:9780132856201 | Edition: 6


Draw the FSM for the receiver side of protocol rdt3.0.



To transfer the data over a channel, rdt3.0 protocol is useful. It is a reliable protocol.


The sender transmits the packet and the receiver acknowledges it by sending an ACK and confirms the packet is received.


The rdt3.0 protocol allows duplicate packets into the sender-to-receiver data stream by adding timeout. This is not possible in rdt2.0.


The rdt3.0 and rdt2.0 works in the same way at receiver end. Both handles duplicate packets.


FSM diagram for the receiver side of the protocol rdt3.0 is follows:



The FSM will be same as the FSM of rtd2.1 given in the Figure 3.12 of textbook.


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