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Barbara Dolye
Data Types And Expressions
Programming Exercises
Question:5 | ISBN:9781285096261 | Edition: 4


Write a program that calculates and prints the take-home pay for a commissioned
sales employee. Perform a compile-time initialization and store the name of
Nesbith Lang in a variable called employeeName. Nesbith earns 7% of her total
sales as her commission. Her federal tax rate is 18%. She contributes 10% to a
retirement program and 6% to Social Security. Her sales this month were
$161,432. Produce a formatted report showing the amount for each of the
computed items. Select appropriate constants. After you finish displaying Nesbith
Lang’s data, change the values and rerun the application.




using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace empSal
    // Create a class named TakeHomePay
    class TakeHomePay
        // Create a main method to run the program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Declare a string variable named employeeName to store the Employee Name.
            string employeeName = "Nesbith Lang";
            // Declare a double variable named TotalSales to store the Total Sales.
            double TotalSales = 161432;
            // Declare a double variable named TotalCommission to store the Total Commission.
            double TotalCommission;
            // Declare a double variable named FederalTax to store the Federal Tax.
            double FederalTax;
            // Declare a double variable named RetirementProgram to store the Retirement Program.
            double RetirementProgram;
            // Declare a double variable named SocialSecurity to store the Social Security.
            double SocialSecurity;
            // Declare a double variable named TakeHomePay to store the Take Home Pay.
            double TakeHomePay;

            //logical formula for percentage

            TotalCommission =161432*(double)7/100; 
            FederalTax = TotalCommission * (double)18 / 100;
            RetirementProgram = TotalCommission * (double)10 / 100;
            SocialSecurity = TotalCommission * (double)6 / 100;
            TakeHomePay = TotalCommission - FederalTax - RetirementProgram - SocialSecurity;
            //display the output
            Console.WriteLine("Employee Name : " + employeeName);
            Console.WriteLine("Total Sales : " + "{0:f2}", +TotalSales);
            Console.WriteLine("Total Commission : " + "{0:f2}", +TotalCommission);
            Console.WriteLine("Federal Tax : " + "{0:f2}", +FederalTax);
            Console.WriteLine("Retirement Program : " + "{0:f2}", +RetirementProgram);
            Console.WriteLine("Social Security : " + "{0:f2}", +SocialSecurity);
            Console.WriteLine("Take Home Pay : " + "{0:f2}", +TakeHomePay);



Employee Name : Nesbith Lang
Total Sales : 161432.00
Total Commission : 11300.24
Federal Tax : 2034.04
Retirement Program : 1130.02
Social Security : 678.01
Take Home Pay : 7458.16


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