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Barbara Dolye
Data Types And Expressions
Programming Exercises
Question:9 | ISBN:9781285096261 | Edition: 4


Write a program that computes the amount of money the computer club will receive from the proceeds of their granola project. Each case has 100 bars. The ranola bars sell for $1.50 per bar. Each case costs $100.00. They are required to give the student government association 10% of their earnings. Display their proceeds, showing the amount given to the student government association. Show all the values formatted with currency. Do a compile-time initialization using 29 for cases sold.



using System;

class Program
    static void Main()
        const int casesSold = 29;    // Number of cases sold
        const double barPrice = 1.50;    // Price of each granola bar
        const double caseCost = 100.00;    // Cost of each case
        const double sgaPercentage = 0.10;    // Percentage of earnings to give to student government association

        // Calculate the total earnings
        double totalEarnings = casesSold * caseCost * barPrice;

        // Calculate the amount to give to the student government association
        double sgaAmount = totalEarnings * sgaPercentage;

        // Calculate the proceeds after giving to SGA
        double proceeds = totalEarnings - sgaAmount;

        // Display the results
        Console.WriteLine("Granola Project Proceeds");
        Console.WriteLine("Cases Sold: {0}", casesSold);
        Console.WriteLine("Earnings: {0:C}", totalEarnings);    // Display earnings as currency
        Console.WriteLine("SGA Amount: {0:C}", sgaAmount);    // Display SGA amount as currency
        Console.WriteLine("Proceeds: {0:C}", proceeds);    // Display proceeds as currency

Executed Output:

Granola Project Proceeds
Cases Sold: 29
Earnings: $4,350.00
SGA Amount: $435.00
Proceeds: $3,915.00


0 0


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