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Michael T. Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia, Michael H. Goldwasser
Question:59 | ISBN:9781118771334 | Edition: 6


As mentioned in Exercise C-6.19, postfix notation is an unambiguous way of writing an arithmetic expression without parentheses. It is defined so that if “(exp1)op(exp2)” is a normal (infix) fully parenthesized expression with operation op, then its postfix equivalent is “pexp1 pexp2 op”, where pexp1 is the postfix version of exp1 and pexp2 is the postfix version of exp2. The postfix version of a single number or variable is just that number or variable. So, for example, the postfix version of the infix expression “((5+2) ∗ (8−3))/4” is “5 2 + 8 3 − ∗ 4 /”. Give an efficient algorithm for converting an infix arithmetic expression to its equivalent postfix notation. (Hint: First convert the infix expression into its equivalent binary tree representation.)


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