25. Explain the functions of all of MARIE’s registers.
• MARIE’s have seven registers.They are:
The Functions of MARIE's Registers :
(1) Accumulator
Denoted by AC, a 16-bit register that holds a conditional operator (e.g., "less than") or one operand of a two-operand instruction.
(2) Memory address register
Denoted by MAR, a 12-bit register that holds the memory address of an instruction or the operand of an instruction.
(3) Memory buffer register
Denoted by MBR, a 16-bit register that holds the data after its retrieval from, or before its placement in memory.
(4) Program counter
Denoted by PC, a 12-bit register that holds the address of the next program instruction to be executed.
(5) Instruction register
Denoted by IR, which holds an instruction immediately preceding its execution.
(6) Input register
Denoted by InREG, an 8-bit register that holds data read from an input device.
(7) Output register
Denoted by OutREG, an 8-bit register, that holds data that is ready for the output device.