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Linda Null ,julia Lobur
Marie An Introduction To A Simple Computer
Review Of Essential Terms And Concepts
Question:38 | ISBN:9780763704445 | Edition: 3


38. What is a stack? Why is it important for programming?



Stack :

A stack is a storage device that stores information in such a manner that the item stored last is the first item retrieved. There are some operations in stack .They are PUSH and POP.

  • The stack in digital computers is essentially a memory unit with an address register that can count only.
  • The register that holds the address for the stack is called a stack pointer (SP) because its value always points at the top item in the stack. 
  • The physical registers of a stack are always available for reading or writing. It is the content of the word that is inserted or deleted.

Stack Is Important in Programming as they provide a unique way to work with contiguous memory. Very similar to Arrays and Lists, Stacks provide a way for users to access different pieces of contiguous data in a Last In First Out manner.



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