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Walter Savitch ,julia Lobur
Procedural Abstraction And Functions That Return A Value
Self-test Exercises
Question:22 | ISBN:9780321531346 | Edition: 7


The following function is supposed to take as arguments a length

expressed in feet and inches and return the total number of inches in that

many feet and inches. For example, total_inches(1, 2) is supposed to

return 14, because 1 foot and 2 inches is the same as 14 inches. Will the

following function perform correctly? If not, why not?

double total_inches(int feet, int inches)


inches = 12*feet + inches;

return inches;




The provided function will perform correctly and return the total number of inches in the given feet and inches. The function takes two arguments, feet and inches, and converts them into a single value representing the total inches.

Let's analyze the function step by step:

  1. inches = 12 * feet + inches;: This line calculates the total number of inches by multiplying the number of feet by 12 (since there are 12 inches in a foot) and then adding the remaining inches.

  2. return inches;: The function returns the calculated total inches.

For example, if you call the function with total_inches(1, 2), it will calculate the total inches as 14 (1 foot * 12 inches/foot + 2 inches) and correctly return the value 14.

So, yes, the provided function will perform correctly and return the total number of inches in the given feet and inches.

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