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Walter Savitch ,julia Lobur
Procedural Abstraction And Functions That Return A Value
Self-test Exercises
Question:28 | ISBN:9780321531346 | Edition: 7


This cannot be done (at least not in any nice way). The natural ways to

represent a square and a round pizza are the same. Each is naturally represented as one number, which is the diameter for a round pizza and the length of a side for a square pizza. In either case the function unitprice would need to have one formal parameter of type double for the price and one formal parameter of type int for the size (either radius or side). Thus, the two function declarations would have the same number and types of formal parameters. (Specifically, they would both have one formal parameter of type double and one formal parameter of type int.) Thus, the compiler would not be able to decide which definition to use. You can still defeat this evil pizza parlor’s strategy by defining two functions, but they will need to have different names.


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