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Tony Gaddis
Dictionaries And Sets
Algorithm Workbench
Question:3 | ISBN:9780132576376 | Edition: 2


Assume the variable dct references a dictionary. Write an if statement that determines whether the key 'James' exists in the dictionary. If so, display the value that is associated with that key. If the key is not in the dictionary, display a message indicating so.



# Assuming dct references the dictionary
if 'James' in dct:
    value = dct['James']
    print("The value associated with 'James' is:", value)
    print("The key 'James' is not found in the dictionary.")


  • the if statement checks if the key 'James' exists in the dictionary dct using the in operator. If the condition is True, it means that the key exists in the dictionary.

  • Inside the if block, the code retrieves the corresponding value associated with the key 'James' using dct['James'] and assigns it to the variable value.

  • Then, it displays the value with a message indicating that it is associated with the key 'James'.

  • If the condition is False, meaning that the key is not found in the dictionary, the code executes the else block and displays a message indicating that the key 'James' is not found in the dictionary.

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