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Tony Gaddis
Dictionaries And Sets
Programming Exercises
Question:2 | ISBN:9780132576376 | Edition: 2


Capital Quiz
Write a program that creates a dictionary containing the U.S. states as keys and their capitals as values. (Use the Internet to get a list of the states and their capitals.) The program should then randomly quiz the user by displaying the name of a state and asking the user to enter that state’s capital. The program should keep a count of the number of correct and incorrect responses. (As an alternative to the U.S. states, the program can use the names of
countries and their capitals.)



Capital Quiz Program Code:

import random

#Initialize the dictionary of U.S. states and 
#their capitals
statesCapitals = {
    "Alabama": "Montgomery",
    "Alaska": "Juneau",
    "Arizona": "Phoenix",
    "Arkansas": "Little Rock",
    "California": "Sacramento",
    "India": "Delhi"

# Initialize variables for 
#correct and incorrect responses
correctAnswer = 0
incorrectAnswer = 0

# Quiz the user
for state in statesCapitals:
    capital = statesCapitals[state]
    inputData = input("What is the capital of {}? ".format(state))

    if inputData.lower() == capital.lower():
        correctAnswer += 1
        print("Incorrect. The capital of {} is {}.".format(state, capital))
        incorrectAnswer += 1

# Display the final Quiz result scores as a count of 
#the number of correct and incorrect responses.
print("\nQuiz results:")
print("Correct responses: {}".format(correctAnswer))
print("Incorrect responses: {}".format(incorrectAnswer))

Executed Output:

What is the capital of Alabama? Juneau
Incorrect. The capital of Alabama is Montgomery.
What is the capital of Alaska? Juneau
What is the capital of Arizona? Phoenix
What is the capital of Arkansas? Sacramento
Incorrect. The capital of Arkansas is Little Rock.
What is the capital of California? Sacramento
What is the capital of India? Delhi

Quiz results:
Correct responses: 4
Incorrect responses: 2


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