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William Stallings
Classical Encryption Techniques
Review Questions
Question:4 | ISBN:9781292158587 | Edition: 7


What is the difference between a block cipher and a stream cipher?



One thing that differs between the block cipher and stream cipher is how data is getting encrypted. Block cipher and stream cipher are two ways of reaching the end goal of securing the data.

Let’s dive deep and further divide the difference between these two techniques


Block Cipher:


  1. Block ciphers break up plaintext messages into fixed-size blocks, which are then converted into ciphertext using a key.    
  2. It was relatively slow in encryption as each block separated before encryption.
  3. In Block cipher encryption, error propagation is high, error in one symbol may corrupt the entire block.
  4. It was immutable, i.e., difficult to modify without getting caught


Stream Cipher:


  1. On the other hand, stream ciphers divide a plaintext message into individual bits, which are then individually converted into ciphertext using a key.
  2. It was faster than block cipher encryption.
  3. Here, the error margin is low. Error in one symbol does not affect the subsequent symbols
  4. It was more susceptible to do modifications.


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