The Tradition of Sharing

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William Stallings
Classical Encryption Techniques
Question:4 | ISBN:9781292158587 | Edition: 7


The following ciphertext was generated using a simple substitution algorithm:

hzsrnqc klyy wqc flo mflwf ol zqdn nsoznj wskn lj xzsrbjnf,
wzsxz gqv zqhhnf ol ozn glco zlfnco hnlhrn; nsoznj jnrqosdnc
lj fnqj kjsnfbc, wzsxz sc xnjoqsfrv gljn efeceqr. zn rsdnb
qrlfn sf zsc zlecn sf cqdsrrn jlw, wzsoznj flfn hnfnojqonb.
q csfyrn blgncosx cekksxnb ol cnjdn zsg. zn pjnqmkqconb qfb
bsfnb qo ozn xrep, qo zlejc gqozngqosxqrrv ksanb, sf ozn cqgn
jllg, qo ozn cqgn oqprn, fndnj oqmsfy zsc gnqrc wsoz loznj
gngpnjc, gexz rncc pjsfysfy q yenco wsoz zsg; qfb wnfo zlgn
qo naqxorv gsbfsyzo, lfrv ol jnosjn qo lfxn ol pnb. zn fndnj
ecnb ozn xlcv xzqgpnjc wzsxz ozn jnkljg hjldsbnc klj soc
kqdlejnb gngpnjc. zn hqccnb onf zlejc leo lk ozn ownfov-klej
sf cqdsrrn jlw, nsoznj sf crnnhsfy lj gqmsfy zsc olsrno.

Decrypt this message.
1. As you know, the most frequently occurring letter in English is e. Therefore, the first or second (or perhaps third?) most common character in the message is likely to stand for e. Also, e is often seen in pairs (e.g., meet, fleet, speed, seen, been, agree, etc.). Try to find a character in the ciphertext that decodes to e?

2. The most common word in English is “the.” Use this fact to guess the characters that stand for t and h?
3. Decipher the rest of the message by deducing additional words?
Warning: The resulting message is in English but may not make much sense on a first reading.


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