The Tradition of Sharing

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To start with, Sr2Jr’s first step is to reduce the expenses related to education. To achieve this goal Sr2Jr organized the textbook’s question and answers. Sr2Jr is community based and need your support to fill the question and answers. The question and answers posted will be available free of cost to all.


William Stallings
Classical Encryption Techniques
Question:7 | ISBN:9781292158587 | Edition: 7


This problem uses a real-world example, from an old U.S. Special Forces manual (public domain). The document, filename SpecialForces.pdf, is available at 

a. Using the two keys (memory words) cryptographic and network security, encrypt the following message:

Be at the third pillar from the left outside the lyceum theatre tonight at seven.
If you are distrustful bring two friends.

If you are distrustful bring two friends. Make reasonable assumptions about how to treat redundant letters and excess letters in the memory words and how to treat spaces and punctuation. Indicate what your assumptions are. Note: The message is from the Sherlock Holmes novel,

The Sign of Four.
b. Decrypt the ciphertext. Show your work.
c. Comment on when it would be appropriate to use this technique and what its advantages are.


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