The Tradition of Sharing

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To start with, Sr2Jr’s first step is to reduce the expenses related to education. To achieve this goal Sr2Jr organized the textbook’s question and answers. Sr2Jr is community based and need your support to fill the question and answers. The question and answers posted will be available free of cost to all.


Walter Savitch ,julia Lobur
Programming Projects
Question:1 | ISBN:9780321531346 | Edition: 7


Write a program that uses the class SalariedEmployee in Display 15.4. Your program is to define a class called Administrator, which is to be derived from the class SalariedEmployee. You are allowed to change private in the base class to protected. You are to supply the following additional data and function members:

A member variable of type string that contains the administrator’s

title (such as Director or Vice President).

A member variable of type string that contains the company area of

responsibility (such as Production, Accounting, or Personnel).

A member variable of type string that contains the name of this

administrator’s immediate supervisor.

  • A protected: member variable of type double that holds the administrator’s annual salary. It is possible for you to use the existing salary member if you did the change recommended earlier.

  • A member function called set_supervisor, which changes the

supervisor name.

  • A member function for reading in an administrator’s data from the


  • A member function called print, which outputs the object’s data to

the screen.

  • An overloading of the member function print_check( ) with appropriate notations on the check.


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