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Walter Savitch ,julia Lobur
Programming Projects
Question:6 | ISBN:9780321531346 | Edition: 7


Give the definition of two classes, Patient and Billing, whose objects are records for a clinic. Patient will be derived from the class

Person given in Programming Project 4. A Patient record has the patient’s name (inherited from the class Person) and primary

physician, of type Doctor defined in Programming Project 3. A Billing object will contain a Patient object, a Doctor object, and an

amount due of type double. Be sure your classes have a reasonable complement of constructors, accessor, and mutator member

functions, an overloaded assignment operator, and a copy constructor. First write a driver program to test all your member

functions, and then write a test program that creates at least two patients, at least two doctors, and at least two Billing records, then

prints out the total income from the Billing records.



#ifndef BILLING_H
#define BILLING_H
#include "patient.h"
class billing
	billing(patient obj1, double amt);
	string getPatient();
	string getDoctor();
	string getDesignation();
	double getBill();
	billing(const billing& objBill);
	billing& operator=(const billing& rtside);
	patient pat;
	double bill;

#ifndef PATIENT_H
#define PATIENT_H
#include "person.h"
#include "doctor.h"
class patient :public person
	patient(string pname, doctor obj);
	patient(const patient& patobj);
	string getPatient();
	string getDoctor();
	string getDesignation();
	patient& operator=(const patient& rtside);
	doctor doc;
#ifndef DOCTOR_H
#define DOCTOR_H
class doctor
	doctor(string dname, string dspeciality);
	doctor(const doctor& docobj);
	string getDoctor();
	string getDesignation();
	doctor& operator=(const doctor& rtside);
	string docName;
	string desg;
#ifndef PERSON_H
#define PERSON_H
class person

	person(string namePerson);

	person(const person& objPerson);

	string getName() const;

	person& operator=(const person& rtside);

	friend istream& operator >> (istream& ins, person& per);
	friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const person& per);
	string name;
#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace std;
#include "billing.h"
	bill = 0.0;

billing::billing(patient p, double b)
	pat = p;
	bill = b;
billing::billing(const billing& objBill)

	pat = objBill.pat;

	bill = objBill.bill;

string billing::getPatient()
	return pat.getPatient();

string billing::getDesignation()
	return pat.getDesignation();

string billing::getDoctor()
	return pat.getDoctor();

double billing::getBill()
	return bill;

billing& billing::operator=(const billing& rtside)
	pat = rtside.pat;
	bill = rtside.bill;
	return *this;
#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace std;
#include "patient.h"
patient::patient() :person()
patient::patient(string pname, doctor obj) : person(pname)
	doc = obj;
string patient::getPatient()
	return getName();
string patient::getDoctor()
	return doc.getDoctor();
string patient::getDesignation()
	return doc.getDesignation();

patient::patient(const patient& patobj) :person(patobj)
	doc = patobj.doc;

patient& patient::operator=(const patient& rtside)
	doc = rtside.doc;
	return *this;
#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace std;
#include "doctor.h"
doctor::doctor() :docName("not yet defined "),desg("not yet defined")
doctor::doctor(string n, string d)
	docName = n;
	desg = d;
string doctor::getDoctor()
	return docName;
string doctor::getDesignation()
	return desg;
doctor::doctor(const doctor& docobj)
	docName = docobj.docName;
	desg = docobj.desg;
doctor& doctor::operator=(const doctor& rtside)
	docName = rtside.docName;
	desg = rtside.desg;
	return *this;

#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace std;
#include "person.h"
person::person() :name("not yet named")
person::person(string namePerson) : name(namePerson)
person::person(const person& objPerson)
	name =;
string person::getName() const
	return name;
person& person::operator =(const person& rtside)
	name =;
	return *this;
istream& operator >> (istream& ins, person& per)
	string name;
	getline(ins, name);
	return ins;
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const person& per)
	out <<;
	return out;
#include "stdafx.h"
//main cpp

using namespace std;
#include "billing.h"
#include "patient.h"
#include "doctor.h"
int main()
	doctor drecordA("Tim Cook", "Cardiologist");
	doctor drecordB("Jon koum", "Orthopedic");
	cout << "Doctor Record:" << endl;
	cout << "_____________" <<endl << endl;
	cout << setw(12) << "Doctor_Name" << setw(20) << "Designation" <<endl;
	cout << setw(12) << "-----------" << setw(20) << "-----------" << endl;
	cout << setw(12) << drecordA.getDoctor() << setw(20) << drecordA.getDesignation() << endl;
	cout << setw(12) << drecordB.getDoctor() << setw(20) << drecordB.getDesignation() << endl;
	cout << endl << endl;
	patient precordA("Mark", drecordA);
	patient precordB("Sundar", drecordA);
	patient precordC("Nadella", drecordB);
	cout << "Patient Record:" << endl;
	cout << "_____________" << endl << endl;
	cout << setw(12) << "Patient_Name" << setw(20)
		<< "Doctor_Name" << setw(20) << "Designation" << endl << endl;
	cout << setw(12) << "------------" << setw(20)
		<< "----------" << setw(20) << "----------" << endl << endl;
	cout << setw(12) << precordA.getName() << setw(20) << precordA.getDoctor() << setw(20) << precordA.getDesignation()
		<< endl;
	cout << setw(12) << precordB.getName() << setw(20) << precordB.getDoctor() << setw(20) << precordB.getDesignation()
		<< endl;
	cout << setw(12) << precordC.getName() << setw(20) << precordC.getDoctor() << setw(20) << precordC.getDesignation()
		<< endl;
	cout << endl << endl;
	billing brecordA(precordA, 65000.00);
	billing brecordB(precordB, 93509.00);
	billing brecordC(precordC, 555320.00);
	cout << "Clinic Record:" << endl;
	cout << "______________" << endl << endl;
	cout << setw(12) << "Patient_Name" << setw(20)
		<< "Doctor_Name" << setw(20) << "Total_Bill_Amount"
		<< endl;
	cout << setw(12) << "-----------" << setw(20)
		<< "-----------" << setw(20) << "-----------------"
		<< endl << endl;
	cout << setw(12) << brecordA.getPatient() << setw(20)
		<< brecordA.getDoctor() << setw(20)
		<< brecordA.getBill() << endl;
	cout << setw(12) << brecordB.getPatient() << setw(20)
		<< brecordB.getDoctor() << setw(20)
		<< brecordB.getBill() << endl;
	cout << setw(12) << brecordC.getPatient() << setw(20)
		<< brecordC.getDoctor() << setw(20)
		<< brecordC.getBill() << endl;
	return 0;





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